The Three Ways To Increase Your Productivity You Might Not Have Thought Of.

Mary Cushen
4 min readDec 16, 2020

As a mother of twins, one with autism, and owning two companies, work/life balance is top of my list. That means, when I am working, I need to make the most of it.

When I started my first business, I did it to have more time for my family; to be able to be there at a moments notice when an outburst happened or life got in the way. I wanted the freedom to take a day off if I needed it.

However, after a couple of months of starting, I couldn’t believe how I felt. I was working longer hours than I was in a full time job. I started getting tense and short around our girls. As you can imagine, a short tempered mum and a young twins (they were two at the time) was not a good mixture.

It was the complete opposite to what I wanted. I started to think I made the wrong choice and that I wasn’t built a business owner.

Fast-forward eight years and I own two companies, as well as having more freedom and time for my family. I was also able to let my hubby retire early in November 2019.

So how did I do it? How did I make the same 24-hours seem longer?

Mindset | Confidence | Organisation


At the start, I had a mindset that said if I didn’t work long hours, if I didn’t push the boundaries to the max, I would not succeed. Without hustle, clients wouldn’t come. All that happened was I got exhausted, stressed and no use to anyone. Once I let go of having to hustle and focused on time-blocking every day, the hours worked reduced, I felt happier and had more time with my family. Don’t underestimate the power of your mindset. It is there all the time yet most of us don’t believe it’s the root of our issues.


The confidence I’m talking about is not just in myself but in those around me. When I hired my first VA I didn’t trust her. Although I went through a rigorous interview process, I couldn’t help but check everything before it went live or was sent. I don’t mean a quick look over; I mean a full assessment of the work. It would have been quicker to do it myself. Once I had worked on my mindset, my confidence in myself and in others was easier to manage. I began to trust those around me to do the job I asked them to do. I reduced the checks and let them get on with what they were paid for.


Then came the organisation. The time-blocking became a habit early on. Yes, life still got in the way as it does but I was more prepared and ordered for anything that did come my way. Organisation is more than time-blocking though. It’s about planning out each week for the team and making sure objectives are understood and monitored. Keeping your process documents updated so if someone isn’t around, the work doesn’t stop. Having the right tools and systems in place so your customer journey is seamless but personal.

All of these made the difference when I was in the hospital with my daughter and unable to work for six months as I needed to be with her. If my 24-hours hadn’t changed, if I was still hustling every day, I would have missed being there for daughter when it mattered the most.

In summary, we all have the same 24-hours. The difference between those who have time and those who struggle to keep on top of it all is having the right mindset, being confident and staying organised. Take action on the items that move you forward. Focus on the tasks that move you closer to your goal. If it’s been on your to-do list for month, is it really needed?

Want to start leaving the sacrifices behind and start enjoying life again?

As a parent and multiple business owner, I know it is hard to plan around life and your desires. However, it should never lead to sacrifices or dis-satisfaction with life.

As a life coach, focusing on parents of all kinds, I help you find your perfect life balance and start you off on the journey of your lifetime. I am here to help you see your life aspirations and parenting can go hand-in-hand with the right support, guidance and passion.

Contact me today to see how we can work together, pop over and join my free Facebook group for support or take a look around my website to see who I am!



Mary Cushen

Say Hello to Life: Proud mother of twins. One autistic daughter. Multi-business owner & CEO: AMPH Consulting Limited, and Mary Cushen — Life Coach for Parents.